Z: Other Projects and Collaborations

statistical practice

I’ve been involved in a number of collaborative projects, either investigating various aspects of statistical practice and methods, or supporting statistical analysis. Some of them are listed below.

Family life and well-being during COVID-19

A research team from the University of Sussex has conducted a longitudinal study the effects of COVID-19 on the well-being of families in the UK. I supported some of the statistical analyses carried out in 2020.

Reaction time data pre-processing

Originally set up as a hackathon at SIPS, the project aimed to produce guidelines for pre-processing reaction-time data. I was involved in data collection and coding of pre-processing related practice as reported in the papers. During the process, it became clear that current practice is too varied and not transparent enough to enable a fair evaluation. This was summarised in a commentary paper on the topic.

Reproducible coding guide

Set up by Lisa DeBruine from University of Glasgow, the code-check club has been working on a guide that aims to make code-review easier for applied researchers. I’ve contributed to some of the draft sections in the guide.

The Multi100 project

I’m one of the analysis on the Multi100 project. From the projects page: The Multi100 project is a crowdsourced empirical project aiming to estimate how robust published results and conclusions in social and behavioral sciences are to analysts’ analytical choices.